Samuel's project

Welcome, please enjoy my Site!

About me

Hi! I am Samuel, and I am a student at regina computer camp. At my time here I've been able to develop a game, thanks to the mentors I can show all of you the game I like to share with you all

I signed up for Comp Camp to learn about coding, I am familiar with lua coding on Roblox. I've created a game called "Ultimate Obby", don't try searching it up you probably won't find it, how the Roblox algorithim works is weird (to me)

Asteroids: A bit about Asteroids

The game I made is a remaster of the old Atari game "Asteroids 1979"

Asteroids is a space themed game released onto the Atari on Novemeber 1979, It was designed by Lyle Rains and Ed Logg.

About the project: You can play the game here

To start off we learned about the basics, later on in full tutorial style we got our games working The game I remastered is filled with new sprites and animations.

Later on created my unique sprites to add my own twist to my game, starting off with "Press start" Loading screen with a nice and simplistic animation.

Pictures of my game

This picture showcases the softwares code sturctures as well as my sprites I'll be using in my game

This picture is where all the action happens when you start the game, which i think is very cool!